Saturday, August 21, 2010

Just in case there was any question about my level of commitment...

Just in case there was any question about my level of commitment to this blog, let's just clear it up right here, right now. Soooo, I was out in the garage, looking though boxes to find stuff to donate to the garage sale being held to raise adoption funds for my lovely new friend, Anne (the items never got gathered or taken to the sale, I WILL get stuff together before the next one in a couple weeks!!) I glanced over at the washing machine and noticed the lid was shut. Stink! I forgot to move the wash to the dryer. Again. Hate that! I went over and sure enough, wet clothes sitting in the washer. I turned the machine back on and went to add detergent. I reached up and grabbed the detergent.
I'm talking the big ol' thing of soap. You know, with the pour spout. The thing about pour spouts is that in order for it to pour it has to be able to take in air- hence the screw cap at the other end. You loosen it a bit to allow air flow. Awesome plan. Except when you loosen it too much. Yeah, so mine was sitting on it's side for some reason, so I reached up and flipped it over and HOLY SOAP SUDS!!! I was completely COVERED in liquid detergent. Yup. A lot of it. In my eyes. In my mouth. I must have been screaming because Shannon came running out into the garage. I couldn't see him and he kept yelling at me asking me what I was doing. I mean, I must have looked a little odd. I'm screaming (apparently) and I have my head in the machine, trying to rinse out my eyes with the water pouring into the washer, all the while gagging and spitting into the washer. It was awesome. So Shannon is yelling at me to come inside. I have to remind him that I CANNOT SEE. So he leads me up the stairs into the house, at some point in all this I have removed my shirt and used it to wipe my face off, still can't see a thing, and it hits me- I need a picture of this. Surely I have to blog about it and Megan said any and every post needs a picture. So here it is folks.
Fantastic, no? I can't see. My eyes are burning. I'm topless. And what do I do. I take a moment. Instruct my husband to get the camera and I smile. Oh, yeah, I'm fully committed to making your blog reading experience at apocketfulofawesome as awesome as possible. Ignore my bra straps and have a great day, y'all!


  1. LOL! LOL! LOL! <*Sorry!*> Ryanne, you should've been a comic, really! ;-p

  2. Hahaha... That really was awesome. My goodness that is only something you can laugh about later. Thanks for sharing. BTW, I don't buy those jugs because of the spill issues.

  3. Haha, Ryanne! I miss you.. LOVE the blog.. I impatiently wait for the next one. :)
